Thursday, April 30, 2009

My 100 Days

I am probably more psyched than most about President Obama -- it still gives me chills. But all this fuss about the first 100 days is kind of annoying. No one cared what Bush I, Clinton or Bush II did in their 100 days. Enough already. 

Since people are focused on 100-day segments, I figure I better take the next 100 days to do something great. (My first 100 days of the Obama presidency were mostly filled with Mike's sickness and other stress. So I'm taking over the next 100.) 

It started today -- slowly. I took a late-morning run on the trail and felt great.  I'm committed to running at least three days a week, preferably four, and continuing with the TV yoga. (I may join a yoga studio in town, but we'll see.) Mike and I also plan join the local Y so we can start swimming again (and use those Total Immersion training tips we learned). 

As for food, I'm already a vegetarian, so there's only so much I can take out of my diet. I will, however, continue on my goal of removing high fructose corn syrup from the food I eat and limit the regular corn syrup. Chemicals in food freak me out, but I do enjoy Diet Coke. So far, I've been good at keeping this out of my diet, but I've caved a few times. (Nothing cures a hangover like a tall glass of water and cold Diet Coke.) I'll also be more aware of the other foods that may contain chemicals. Mike and I have made the switch to dried legumes to reduce the salt from the cans. This is all part of trying to remove as many packaged foods from our diets as we can.

I'll be chronicling this adventure on this blog, though I doubt I will be able to update daily. (I'll try.) This is not a day-by-day endeavor, rather it's an ongoing tale of my 100 days. Enjoy!

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