Monday, May 18, 2009

Pressure Cooker

My mother always told me I put more pressure on myself than she ever did (debatable). Perhaps that’s why I wound up married to someone who likes to put pressure on himself and those around him.

Take for example, Mike’s decision to train and run a 50-mile trail race in September. That’s a huge challenge for anyone and even more so for someone recovering from a bacterial infection in his neck bone. A few weeks ago, though, this race turned into me pacing for the last 10 miles. OK, I can do that.

Not so fast.

Turns out I really need to pace him for the last 15 miles. When I ended the first (and only) half marathon I’ve ever run, I went to Mike and said, “I didn’t like that at all.” So it makes total sense that he would push me to go even further, right?

In fairness, I do have an interest in running another half – specifically so I can feel “good” at the end. (I realize this is naïve of me, but a girl can dream.) But 15 miles is so far.

The truth is, though, I do think I’m up for a new challenge – so here goes!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go sweets. Most impressive herculaneaun task you have undertaken.
